Woodstock House Painting Company
Interior & Exterior Painting
Interior & Exterior Painting
Schedule your FREE PAINTING ESTIMATE today by calling our office at 770-928-8700 or click the button below for the online form.
Kenneth Axt provides clients with interior painting estimates & David Axt provides comprehensive exterior estimates that include a detail carpentry repair report. Don’t forget to ask about your FREE COLOR CONSULTATION.
Everyone is kind, honest, helpful & very knowledgeable. I think your company is almost perfect!
We are perfectly delighted with the professionalism and quality of the workmanship. We have already recommended this company to others and will gladly continue to do so.
I have already recommended your company! I would like to recognize the [man] that came out and inspected to give me the quote…He spent a lot of time looking everything over. I was impressed with the amount of time he took and how detailed he was.
Detailed and thorough from beginning to end. Very professional in all aspects; communication, quality of workmanship & nice people.
They were very professional and tried to make sure they took care of everything in a timely manner.
The best part about working with Kenneth Axt Painting was the owner came out and did the quote himself. He was very knowledgeable and answered my questions. I felt very comfortable and know everything would be done properly. The team was very professional and courteous. They asked questions for clarification. They were very efficient and got things done earlier than I expected them to.
They genuinely cared about my satisfaction as a customer and did what was necessary to complete the job to my satisfaction. Most companies in this areas are impossible to contact once you’ve paid them and they usually aren’t interested in truly ensuring your satisfaction.
The outside carpenter was really good. I appreciated the outside estimator. He took his time and was very thorough. They exceeded my expectations with how professional they are.
Beautiful job absolutely perfect! Also the workers were very professional and not only perfectionists but also were friendly and well mannered! Ken Axt is the best person to deal with…so helpful and knowledgeable. I highly recommend Kenneth Axt Painting for inside repair and painting, you will be more than pleased. They are the best!
We are located in your community at 1912 Tripp Road, Woodstock GA 30188. Kenneth Axt has been an active member in many local business organizations as well as community events. Voted a Home Reports Best Pick a Woodstock House Painting Company for 19 consecutive years, Ken is invested in the continued success and growth of Woodstock.
Kenneth, the owner & founder, is still actively involved in the daily operations of our family-owned business. As such, he still performs nearly all of the interior painting estimates for our clients. Customers enjoy meeting with the owner of the business and get to know our company philosophy first hand.
Ken’s brother, David Axt, is our trusted exterior painting estimator. David is so thorough in his detailed examination of your home that we offer a Best in Industry 10 Year Warranty*. Your detailed carpentry report allows you to make the best decision when choosing a painting contractor, side by side, there is no one more thorough.
Our SPECIALIZED interior paint crews are hand-picked and trained to exacting standards by Kenneth Axt. They are our trusted and valued ambassadors who have undergone extensive customer relations training. Many of our interior painting crews have been with our company for more than 10 years. Unheard of in the painting industry!
Kenneth has designed a detailed training program for our exterior paint crews to ensure that your painting project is completed on time & on budget. We maintain a clean, safe working environment and our Field Supervisor ensures that the lines of communication stay open.
Perhaps one of our most valuable assets and what sets us apart from the competition is our in-house carpentry crew. Following the estimators detailed instructions, our carpenters perform top notch repairs on your home. We believe that the key to a lasting finish is exemplary carpentry & repairs.